With our WooCommerce VIP Care plans, we provide expert maintenance and support for your store each month ensuring your store is running in tip-top shape. Let us tackle your WooCommerce site maintenance and help you solve your technical challenges. Get reliable WooCommerce support and maintenance services from a senior level development team.
Why Tribe?
WooCommerce certified expertise
10 years of experience with Woo
Our plugins are used by thousands of brands worldwide
Easy & open communication
Private client portal to track progress
Dedicated account manager
How it works
- Complete your order
- Kick-off – We”ll set up a kick-off call to discuss expectations and define specifics of your product.
- Access – You”ll provide secure access to your production and staging site.
- Setup – We set up git and our monitoring and scanning tools.
- Audit – We do an initial technical audit of your site setup and codebase.
- Optimization – We perform our core optimizations.
- Submit requests – If you need help or have questions just reach out to us.
- Success – We keep your site updated, optimized, and running at peak performance.